Developed by the Garman Lab, University of Oxford.
RADDOSE-3D: time- and space-resolved modelling of dose in macromolecular crystallography
Zeldin, Gerstel, Garman. (2013). J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 1225–1230
Estimate your dose: RADDOSE-3D. Bury, Brooks-Bartlett, Walsh, Garman. (2018). Protein Science, 27, 217–228
Doses for experiments with microbeams and microcrystals: Monte Carlo simulations in RADDOSE-3D.
Dickerson, Garman. (2020). Protein Science, 30, 8-19
Doses for X-ray and electron diffraction: New features in RADDOSE-3D including intensity decay models.
Dickerson, McCubbin, Brooks-Bartlett, Garman. (2024). Protein Science, 33(7) e5005
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